About Higgingsville Lanes
**Gift Cards now available. Great for Christmas or Birthdays gifts.**
Bowling has been a part of Higginsville for many years. The current building became a bowling center in 1957. Some of you may remember young boys being pinsetters and keeping score with paper and pencil. Throughout the years and with a handful of different owners, bowling has remained an icon on Main Street Higginsville for over 50 years!
Sold to new owners Keith and Janet Bredehoeft in January 2008, the newly renovated Higginsville Lanes has reignited bowling in the Higginsville area. With the addition of the "LaneSide Grill", a full service pro shop and updates to the bowling area with synthetic lanes and much more, Higginsville Lanes has reestablished itself as a family oriented bowling center.
They currently have nine leagues, with one being a senior league and two devoted to the youth. Open bowling is available on the weekends. Birthday parties, Corporate and private bookings are growing in popularity. tournament participation is also growing in interest. Bowling remains one of the fastest growing sports. It is a sport that you can do at an early age and enjoy for a lifetime. As with any business, the appreciation should go to the staff, Pro shop manager: Jerry Graham, and employees: Harold Griffel, Mindy Rooney, Jon Young, Tiffany Jungblut and Syndney Rooney.
Hope to see you soon. Keith and Janet Bredehoeft, owners
2024 Fall League Start Dates
League Organize date Start Date Time
Sunday night mixed 8/25 9/8 6:30pm
Tuesday night mens 8/27 9/3 7pm
Wednesday Ladies 8/28 9/4 6:15
Thursday morning mixed 8/29 9/5 9am
Thursday mens 8/29 9/5 7pm
Friday mixed 8/23 9/6 7pm
Satuday youth ----- 9/7 9am
FALL Open Play Hours
Saturday: 11am - 10pm (Normal Rates)
Sunday: 1pm - 5pm (Normal Rates)
Always call for lane availability 660-584-2010
Summer Open Play Hours
Wednesday- Friday 11am-2pm
Friday 5-10pm
Saturday 11am-10pm
Sunday 1-5pm
Open Play Rates
Regular Rate: $4.50 per game
League Bowler: $3.50 per game
Adult Shoes: $2.50 per person
Youth Shoes: $1.50 per person
League Bowler Shoes: $1.00 per person
Bumper Bowl $7.00 for 2 games includes shoes
Special needs $8.00 for 2 games includes shoes
Party Rates
2017 Husker Bowling Team, Zone Champs!
1st row; Emily Dickmeier, Billy Brown, Jonah Alexander, Dalton Booth
2nd row; Coach Dickmeier, Joe Gash, Sadie Inlow, Brian Sunday, Coach Disberger
3rd row; Salara Inlow, William Shockley, Seth Summers, Trevor Disberger
Husker Fundraiser

2016 Husker Bowling Team
Front row; Melissa Frerking, Billy Brown,
Sadie Inlow, Dawna Travis, Emily Story,
Back row; William Shockley, Trevor Disberger, Seth Summers, Joe Gash,
Collin Hagan, Fletcher Johnson, Not present, Stephen Payne
Husker Fundraisers
9-pin tournament April 2nd, 50/50 raffle and BBQ April 9th at Piggly Wiggly
Our second meet at Retro Bowl in Liberty
Front,Stephen Payne, Chris DeHaven
2nd row Melisa Freking, Kendra (from Concordia), Fletcher Johnson
3rd row Keith Bredehoeft and Dan Disberger coaches
Back row Trevor Disberger taking stats.
Husker Bowling is here!
The Husker Bowling Club had their first practice meet at Concordia Lanes, Sunday February 23. The format was a 5 member team event, bowling “BAKER” style, with each bowler bowling only 2 frames per game. The huskers bowled 10 games with 1357 pins. “This was our first experience in this type of team play, so it was a learning experience. It was a lot of fun.” Janet Bredehoeft, USBC registered Volunteer. It’s not too late to get involved; the team will travel to centers around the area and have a zone competition again at Concordia bowl, on March 23rd. the winner of that gets to go to state in Union MO in April.
The club was just recently formed and is open to all Laf Co C-1 high school students. The cost is very minimal and will not interfere with other team sports. Higginsville Lanes had donated practice time, coaching and pro shop services for the team. Some equipment has been donated and cash donations are being accepted to help off set the cost of entry fees and team shirts. The team practices every Sat morning at 11am at Higginsville lanes.
Group pic l-r front Melissa Frerking, Joe Gash Back Trevor Jones, Fletcher Johnson, Chris DeHaven, Jody Dickmeier-Coach
On New Year’s Day, we held a 9-Pin Tournament
30 bowlers participated and the Top 5 were:
1. David Shafer
2. Michael Shafer
3. Bob Beck
4. Chris Valenzuela
5. Zac Raines
On 10/23/13, Higginsville Lanes held their Halloween Scotch Doubles 9-Pin Tournament
The Top 4 Places were:
1st – Danny & Brenda Crabtree
2nd – Brian & Sherry Wahn
3rd – Dennis Garrison & Crystal Forkner
4th – Patrick & Mindy Rooney
The winners of the drawing for the best costumes were Mike & Jessica Crabtree. They were dressed as characters from “Beetlejuice”.
Dan and Trevor Disberger competed in the National finals of the International Family Tournament held July 24-27th in Columbus Ohio. They qualified at Higginsville Lanes then they advanced to Zone and after that, they placed in the top 2 in the state of Mo.
At nationals they competed in 6 games of qualifying with the top 8 advancing to match play. They were seeded 6th. After match play they ended up 7th overall. The BPAA (Bowling Proprietors Association of America) awarded $70000.00 in scholarships at Nationals. Some highlights of the trip were watching the final match play bowled for the mens and womens US Open, meeting some of the professionals bowlers and getting their autographs. “This was a trip of a life time for us “ said Dan.
Youth in the News
2013 Youth Association Tournament Results
Higgnisville Lanes adult and youth bowlers competed in a Kansas City Open Youth/Adult tournament December 2nd at Aaron's Family Fun Center, Belton, MO

Johnny Jungeblut and Jackson Forkner 1st Place Division 3

Jody Dickmeier and Joe Gash 3rd place division
October 7th 2012 Higginsville Lanes Youth Bowlers competed in the KCO youth scholarship tournament at Lunar Bowl.

Front row: Mason Gash 3rd, Division 5, Back row: Joe Gash 1st, Division 5: Trevor Disberger 2nd, Division 4

Kansas City Open March 2012: Jason Bredehoeft 2nd Place Division 2, Jonathan DeHaven 1st Place Division 3

Junior Gold Quailfier! March 4th Jason Bredehoeft qualified for 2012 JUNIOR GOLD

Kansas City Open February 2012

Higginsville Lanes receive 2010 Business of The Year!